Elite life

Cantaloupe (Melon) Jam Recipes


Cantaloupe Jam 1

2 melons, peeled, seeded, and weighed, about 1 k, or 2 1/4 pounds
A scant 2 pounds (800 g, or about 3 4/5 cups) granulated sugar for every 2 1/4 pounds (1 k) melon pulp
The juice of 2 lemons
24 blanched, peeled almonds
Cooking Instructions:
Dice the melons; if the flesh that was near the rind is hard, blanch it for 2 minutes. Next, combine sugar, lemon juice and diced melon in a bowl and let the mixture sit for a couple of hours. Transfer the mixture to a pot and simmer it for 50 minutes over a medium flame, stirring occasionally and removing the foam that rises to the surface with a slotted spoon or strainer. In the meantime, heat your oven to 240 F (120 C) and heat the jars and their lids for 10 minutes. 5 minutes before the cooking time is up for the jam, stir in the almonds. When the time is up, fill the hot jars, screw the lids on, upend them, and let them cool.
Cantaloupe Jam 2
2 medium Cantaloupe; cut in pieces size your thumb
1 can (No 2 1/2) crushed pineapple
2 Oranges
2 pack Pectin
Cooking Instructions:
Combine with drained crushed pineapple, 2 oranges, ground peeling and all. Add 2 packages pectin. Add sugar; measure and add same amount of sugar as you have fruit. Cook until you have a thick syrup. Put in bottles and seal.
Vanilla Melon Jam

625 mL (2 1/2 cups) Charentais melon, cut in small cubes
875 mL (3 1/2 cups) yellow honeydew melon, cut in small cubes
500 mL (2 cups) sugar
Juice of two limes
2 chunks peeled gingerroot, about 1 cm (1/2 inch) each
1 vanilla bean or 5 mL (1 tsp.) vanilla extract
Cooking Instructions:
Mix melon cubes in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to macerate in the fridge for 12 hours. Transfer melon to a saucepan and add lime juice, ginger and vanilla bean. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to medium-low. Let simmer for 1 hour, or until melon cubes become translucent and liquid has thickened. A good way to check if jam is done: pour a little of the cooking liquid onto a cold plate. If the cooled liquid wrinkles slightly when touched, the jam is ready. Remove vanilla bean and gingerroot.
Winter Melon Jam

2 kg winter melon
2 lemons, juice and rind of
4 kg sugar
60 g green ginger
Cooking Instructions:
Cut melon and lemon, sprinkle with sugar (about 2 cups) and let stand overnight. Next day, boil the mixture until clear. Add remaining sugar and boil until it gels. Bottle and seal.
Melon and Ginger Jam

2 kg Melon
2 kg sugar
4 lemons or limes
900 ml water
30 g powdered ginger
Cooking Instructions:
Peel and de-seed the melon. Dice and place in a pot with the sugar ~ leave for twelve hours. Add the rind and juice of the lemons or limes. Add the powdered ginger. Add the water. Bring to the boil and simmer until testing "SET". Jar and seal immediately.

Melon and Lemon Jam

3 kg Melon
2 kg Lemon or lime
4 kg sugar
2 ltr water
Cooking Instructions:
Peel and de-seed the melon and dice it finely. Place it in a bowl with the sugar and leave for twelve hours. Place the lemon/lime and the water in a cooking pot and cook (a gas wok burner is best) until the lemon/lime is "soft" and to a degree translucent. Add more water if necessary. Add the melon/sugar mixture to the hot and softened lemon/lime and bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved. Simmer/reduce in the open cooking pot until the jam is testing "SET". Jar and seal immediately.
Melon and Mandarin Jam

2 1/2 kg melon, peeled and chopped
6 mandarin oranges
2 kg sugar
Citric acid, to taste
Cooking Instructions:
Cut the melon and sprinkle with a little sugar in your jam making pan. Let it stand overnight. Bring melon mix to the boil and then add sugar after 25 minutes. Slice 4 mandarins. Pulp the other two and add all mandarins to mixture. When nearly ready to remove from heat add alittle citric acid to prevent jam candying. Boil until it jellies on a saucer. Pour into sterilized jars and seal in the usual manner.
Anagram jam

2 kg (4 lbs) jam melon, peeled and chopped
4 lemons, chopped - pips reserved and placed in a muslin bag
8 cups of water
4 kg (8 lbs) sugar
Cooking Instructions:
Add the water to the melon and lemon (including the muslin bag of pips). Leave to stand overnight. Next day bring the mixture to the boil and cook till the melon is clear and the peel soft. Allow the mixture to become cold, remove the muslin bag of pips, then add the sugar and bring back to the boil. Stir occasionally to ensure sugar is dissolved. Boil for about 30 minutes or until setting point is reached. Allow to stand 10 minutes, then pour into sterilised bottles and seal.
Confiture de Melon au Gingembre et Citron Vert

1 kg melon, ripe but firm
70 g fresh ginger
1 organic lime
150 g sugar
150 g crystallized sugar
Cooking Instructions:
Clean two jars thoroughly, pour boiling water on them and their lids, and leave them to dry upside down on a clean kitchen towel. Cut the melon in halves, spoon out the seeds and strings. Using a melon baller or a spoon, scoop out the flesh in smallish pieces. Peel the ginger and cut it in small matches. Clean and scrub the lime, use a vegetable peeler to get the zest, then cut it in two and squeeze the juice. Put the melon pieces in a large saucepan with the ginger, lime zest, lime juice and sugar. Combine well with a wooden spoon, then cover and let rest for two hours, stirring from time to time. Put the saucepan over high heat, and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes over high heat, stirring often. Remove the melon pieces with a slotted spoon, and cook the syrup for another 5 minutes, until thickened. Put the melon back into the syrup, and cook for another 5 minutes, stirring often. Remove the saucepan from the heat, stir, pour in the jars and close the jars tightly. Store in a cool dark place or the refrigerator for a few months.
Honeydew Melon Peach Jam

3 lbs. peaches
3 lbs. honeydew melon
10 c. sugar
Cooking Instructions:
Peel and chop fruit. Add sugar and cook until thick. Pour into sterilized jars to within 1/4" of top. Put on cap and screw band firmly. Process in boiling water bath 10 minutes.
Peach Cantaloupe Jam

6 Peaches peeled and cubed
1/2 Cantaloupe peeled and cubed
2 Oranges
Cooking Instructions:
Combine fruits and measure the amount. Add an equal amount of sugar. Let stand overnight. Cook stirring until fruit is clear and thick. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.


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